Casino Gambling

Online Profiles Of Poker Legends Amarillo Slim Preston

Great Poker Players: Amarillo Slim Preston If Doyle Brunson is the “father” of the modern game of Hold ‘Em, then Amarillo Slim Preston is the “grandfather.” One of the original exponents of Texas Hold ‘Em when it was played in semi-illegal fashion by a handful of drifting gamblers, Slim is almost the founder of this game. Amarillo Slim also won the third World Series Of Poker, held in 1972, and quickly etsablished himself as one of the greatest “characters” in professional poker. He became the personification of Texas Hold ‘Em, with his homespun, chatty manner and a bona fide cowboy look. The spade gaming is the safe and secure gaming option available with the gamblers. They can play at the games without any problems and increase the bank balance with real cash. The payment option are safe and reliable to protect the personal information of the gamblers.

Preston wrote a book after winning $80,000 at the WSOP Final, entitled Maverick Poker and then did the talk show rounds to promote it. He was responsible for the public’s interest in tournament poker, as his appearances with Johnny Carson were extremely well-received. He appeared on the Tonight Show eleven times, and 60 Minutes did three pieces on him. In many ways Amarillo Slim put the World Series on the map, and gave the Horseshoe a tremendous amount of positive publicity.

Amarillo Slim still plays competitive poker today at the highest level, and is a living legend. Last time we were down in Vegas we watched Slim in a satellite event. “These boys is too good for me,” he complained in his cowboy drawl. “Only place round here I can hold my own is when I go to the men’s room.”

Slim claims that any mail addressed to “Slim, Amarillo TX” will find its way to him, and he’s probably right. Revered in his home state he is still in good shape at 80, appearing in leather cowboy boots that have the word SLIM stitched down each side. He once told reporters that the population for the town of Amarillo hasn’t changed in 30 years. “Every time some woman gets pregnant. some man leaves town.” Play next to Amarillo Slim and you’ll hear plenty of these one-liners. It is all part of his game plan, as he exudes a confidence that can be intimidating.

“People who sit down with me are expecting to lose and, goddamnit, I don’t want to disappoint ’em.” That’s Amarillo Slim for you. Still dangerous to play against, mixing not-so friendly humor with a ruthless style that has made him one of the all-time great poker players.

Johnnie is a college student. He is doing his under-graduation in physiotherapy. He loves poker and his friends love him for his storytelling skills