Casino Poker

Currency Related Poker Rankings – PokerSheriff

In today’s world, you can gamble using just about any currency that’s used in the country you live in. There are several prominent currencies that are accepted in online poker rooms, meaning that no matter where you play from, you should be able to use whatever currency is most convenient for you, without having to deal with any fees or wondering if you’re getting the best exchange rate.

Of course, not every poker room is ideal for players using every currency. Some poker rooms have games available in multiple currencies, while others cater to users from certain countries or currencies. At some casinos, players may be restricted to playing at tables based on which currency they are using, while others allow players to store money in their accounts using one currency, but to play at tables using other currencies (with exchange rates being calculated for the player as they bring money to the table).

We’ve put together lists of the best poker rooms for players using a variety of different currencies, with articles explaining our choices. Also, these things remain same in the Online casino too. You can check out our rankings by clicking on each of the currencies listed below!

US Dollar

The US dollar is not only the official currency of the United States of America, but is also the most widely used currency in international trade. It should be no surprise, then, that most online poker rooms will also allow you to use US dollars when playing on their sites.

Our top picks for playing online poker using US dollars include Absolute Poker, Ultimate Bet, and PlayersOnly.

Find the best US Dollar poker rooms

Canadian Dollar

While it’s not as commonly used as the currency from the neighboring US, the Canadian dollar is a strong and stable currency that is among the most traded on international markets. It is the official currency of Canada, and in recent years, has achieved near-parity with the US dollar, making it easy to compare values between the two currencies. Poker sites don’t offer Canadian dollar poker games, but many will allow you to keep your poker account in Canadian dollars.

Find the best Canadian Dollar poker rooms


The Euro is the official currency in the eurozone, a group of sixteen countries in Europe. These countries share the same currency, greatly simplifying the process of doing business throughout Europe. Since the list of countries using the Euro includes major poker nations such as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain (among others), it is a popular choice that is often offered at major online poker rooms.

Find the best Euro poker rooms

British Pound Sterling

The official currency of the United Kingdom, the pound sterling is the single oldest currency still in use today. The pound is one of the world’s most respected and valuable currencies, and as such, many online poker rooms are happy to offer games that can be played using pounds.


In the gambling industry people from all over the world participate together, especially on online mode. They compete with each other, so the value of currency is not same. They need to convert and know the value and then bet their money with an appropriate matching amount.

Johnnie is a college student. He is doing his under-graduation in physiotherapy. He loves poker and his friends love him for his storytelling skills